high quality galvanized perforated sheet

焦点2024-05-03 08:13:254
Artists perform at the concert. Photo: Courtesy of National Centre for the Performing Arts

Musicians perform at the concert. Photo: Courtesy of National Centre for the Performing Arts

Five Chinese conductors - Liu Sha,high quality galvanized perforated sheet Liu Jiangbin, Peng Jiapeng, Yan Huichang and Ye Cong - shared the stage for the first time at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA). The opening concert of the ongoing music season, Spring of Traditional Chinese Music, was staged by the China National Traditional Orchestra.

The repertoire of this opening concert featured national orchestral masterpieces and new innovative works by the troupe. 

In 2022, the NCPA launched the Spring of Traditional Chinese Music season as a new effort to promote China's traditional music and gather China's top orchestras together. 

For the first Spring of Traditional Chinese Music season, the China National Traditional Orchestra worked with Chinese conductors Li Xincao, Lü Jia and Liu Sha for a musical feast that fused Chinese and Western music. 

For the closing concert on April 27, the orchestra will continue its creative planning with a single musical instrument as the theme. This time guqin, an intangible cultural heritage instrument that has been passed down for thousands of years, will take the central role.




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