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热点2024-05-03 15:49:3856
Photo: Courtesy of <em>Super Villain</em>

Photo: Courtesy of Super Villain

Thehigh quality diamond shape wire mesh fence latest comedy from director and actor Bao Beier, Super Villain, hit big screens across the country on Thursday. The film follows the story of extra actor Bi Chao after he has an accident. After a series of interesting stories and mistakes, he finally realizes what he cherishes the most. 

Director Bao Beier said that he hopes the movie can bring happiness to everyone. At the same time, the character Bi Chao represents his own reflections on life. The world of fame and fortune of being a big star is ultimately a fantasy and "the family members who accompany him are the most important." 

After watching the movie, writer Liu Zhenyun said this is a "movie with a classic structure." The double identity of the villain is difficult to predict, and the comedy scenes are very dramatic. It shows real life experience while being happy and funny.





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